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Solitary Dystopia

They are here to stay: the fear, the uncertainty, the unknown, the unpredictable - looming like rare diseases in a body tired of waiting.

Escaping routes covered in shattered glass.

Wounds so deep that grow roots, and then, trees - their trunks drenched in sorrow, their crown battered by strong winds.

There are landscapes inside which bloom, and grow, and die, succumbed by their own beauty.

Do not go too far because Nature can be as loud as the city, deafening in its stillness, tearing you up with its shameless continuum, reflecting your soul from many angles, over the sky and in the sand.

You’ll think you’re alone, abandoned, free - while invisible chains of wonder and doubt will hold down your wrists and make your steps crumble.

All the waves inside of you crushing.

All the ships have lost hope for a shore.


Shot on location with actor Manny Ahmed. September, 2020, Merseyside, United Kingdom.